Leonardo Flores, Ph.D.

On May 26 I successfully defended my dissertation and completed my doctoral studies at the University of Maryland. The dissertation is titled “Typing the Dancing Signifier: Jim Andrews’ (Vis)Poetics.” My thanks to all who gave me guidance and support.

Blast from the Past: An Early Course Website

Take a look at my Spring 2003 course syllabus for “Literature in a Wired World” at University of Maryland, College Park. http://web.archive.org/web/20090217232052/http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~flores/syllabus.html

Keynote Address at Western TESOL Conference

Presentation Title: Educational Technologies in 2010: How to Supercharge your Classes Abstract: The educational technologies available to us today have the potential to supercharge our classes by engaging our students more effectively in and out of class. This presentation will discuss the importance of having a course Web site and highlight three Web 2.0 technologies… Continue reading Keynote Address at Western TESOL Conference

The Music of Poetry Workshop

I offered this workshop on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 10:30 am in SH-104. Description: Listen to how the musicality of language is explored by poets and musicians in patterns of rhyme, rhythm, assonance, consonance, alliteration, and onomatopoeia. Learn how to scan a poem to identify patterns of sound. This workshop will allow you to… Continue reading The Music of Poetry Workshop

The Language of Poetry Workshop Series

This semester I will be offering three workshops designed to strengthen poetry analytical skills and appreciation. Here’s a link to the flyer: http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddxhqj8j_209dkhw2tcd.

Fall 2009 Update

My contact information, office hours, courses taught, and calendar have been updated.

Spring 2009 Update

The blog information has been updated with current office hours and other contact information for the Spring 2009 semester.

Leonardo Flores, Associate Dean

Starting on August 7, I will be the new Associate Dean of Assessment and Educational Technology for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Unfortunately, I will have to resign to my position in the Academic Senate, since being part of the university administration constitutes a potential conflict of interest. My heartfelt thanks for all the… Continue reading Leonardo Flores, Associate Dean

Categorized as News


I just found out that I’ve been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor! Thanks to all the family, colleagues, friends, and students that have been so supportive in the years leading up to this evaluation. I couldn’t have done it without you!

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