Week 10: Videopoetry

Tuesday, October 20

  • Homework:
    • Essay #2 due on Thursday, October 22.

Thursday, October 22

  • Asynchronous class (no meeting):
    • Watch The Complete Works by Justin Stephenson
    • Explore the website for The Complete Works, especially the page titled The Film, which offers information on the visual poems.
    • Write an 250 word response to the whole film, including an analysis of your assigned videopoem within the film. Unpack Stephenson’s strategies in your assigned videopoem, offering screenshots and a detailed discussion of how the visual and sound information work together and to what effect.
      1. Epigraph (0:00)
      2. Sound Poems (0:25)
      3. Introduction (0:44)
      4. Waiting (2:15)
      5. White Sound (3:54)
      6. The Historical bpNichol (5:07)
      7. The Mouth (6:09)
      8. The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid (7:22)
      9. Gorg: A Detective Story (9:40)
      10. Waiting (11:40)
      11. Assumptions (12:45)
      12. Ink’s Sin (14:35)
      13. Song for Saint Ein (15:33)
      14. The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid, Chapter 1: The Kid (16:15)
      15. Probably (15:37)
      16. Interrupted Nap (18:16)
      17. The Page is a Window (18:46)
      18. For the Memory of Robert Graves (20:02)
      19. The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid, Chapter 2: History (21:03)
      20. Interrupted Nap 2 (22:06)
      21. Music (22:38)
      22. [I Started to Write the Way I Draw] (22:58)
      23. White Sound (24:43)
      24. The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid, Chapter 3: The Town (27:06)
      25. Drum vs the Book (28:42)
      26. Interrupted Nap 3 (30:11)
      27. Probably 2 (30:46)
      28. (every(all at(toge(forever)ther)once)thing) (31:50)
      29. The True Eventual Story of Billy the Kid, Chapter 4: Why? (33:40)
      30. [I Always Said] (35:15)
      31. Waiting (36:14)
      32. Love Poem (37:22)
      33. Ghosts – Credits (39:00)
    • Your primary post is due by Friday, October 20.
    • Read and respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ posts by Tuesday, October 25.