Spring 2017 Courses

Next semester I will be teaching two courses, both of which focus on digital literacy, rhetoric, and skills:

  • Digital Humanities Internship (INTD 4995) is a course I’ve been teaching every semester since Fall 2013. This course is structured as an internship in which I work with students in the development of digital projects, such as the English Department Website, I ♥︎ E-Poetry, and the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 3. This course has a capacity of 8 students and it is by invitation only. The course is full for next semester, but if you’re interested in participating, contact me, and I will add you to the waiting list for the Fall 2017 semester.
  • Digital Media Criticism (INGL 3300) is concerned with the production of criticism using a variety of writing genres and formats developed and facilitated in digital media. The students will research, write, and produce criticism of a variety of works available in print and digital media, while learning the genres and conventions of digital genres, such as: blogging, podcasts, videos, listicles, social media performances, electronic literature, and live streaming performances. The course will be taught next semester only on M,W 4:30-5:45 pm. Here’s the flyer.
