Week 6: Poetry and Meaning

Tuesday, September 24 Class does not meet. Instead, read at least 2 analyses of performance poetry by your classmates, watch the poems, and reply with contributions of other meaningful details you noticed in the performance. Assignment: In this Google Drive folder, create a document in which you identify the poem you will write your Essay… Continue reading Week 6: Poetry and Meaning

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Week 5: Poetry Beyond the Page

Tuesday, September 19 In class: Discussion of Essay #1 Assignment Audio Recordings of Poetry: Penn Sound The Last Poets Ursula Rucker, “Return to Innocence Lost“ Sound Poetry: UbuWeb: Sound Vispo: Audio Assignment Read “Sound Poetry” in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Explore UbuWeb: Sound Create a Google document in this shared folder and… Continue reading Week 5: Poetry Beyond the Page

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Week 4: Looking at Poems

Tuesday, September 10 In class: Lecture and discussion on poetic form and visual information Assignment: In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, read “Visual Poetry” “Concrete Poetry” Choose a poem from Singing School and write a brief analysis of how its form contributes to meaning. Post in our GroupMe before class on Thursday. Thursday,… Continue reading Week 4: Looking at Poems

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Week 3: The Music of Poetry

Tuesday, September 3 In class: The Music of Poetry – lecture and discussion Assignment: In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, read “Rhyme” “Alliteration” “Consonance” “Assonance” “Onomatopoeia” Perform a brief analysis (1-2 paragraphs) of what some of these sound patterns contribute to your understanding of a poem from “Listening” in Singing School. Post in… Continue reading Week 3: The Music of Poetry

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New Group Forum

Once you’ve joined the group, copy/paste your analysis from last week and the one for this one, each one as a separate post.

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