Image from A Dictionary of the Revolution

Week 6: Meaningful Interactivity

Monday, September 25

  • In class:
  • Assignment:
    • Read:
    • Write a reaction/response to the assigned works in which you discuss how interactivity is meaningful in the work.

Wednesday, September 27

In class:


Friday, September 29

Asynchronous Class

  • In our forum, write a 250 word (approximately) post in which you discuss the interactivity and strategies used in “Welcome to Pine Point.”
  • This is due by Saturday morning.
  • Respond to a classmate’s post by Monday.


  • Write a brief proposal for Creative Project #2.
    • Interactive Work
      • Use Twine, Bitsy, or Squiffy to create a literary videogame, hypertext work, or interactive fiction.
      • Accompany this with a 1-page discussion of your goals with the work, some of the challenges you faced in creating it, and what it helped you learn about interactive writing.
      • I will offer a hands-on workshop in class to help you learn how to use these systems.
      • A brief proposal with your thesis statement, line of argument and will be due 2 weeks before the project is due.