Week 9: The Search for Meaning

Monday, November 27 In class Essay #1 proposals Midterm Exam review: “[I heard a Fly buzz- when I died-]“ Lecture on speaker, tone, situation, and setting Assignment Study for the Midterm Exam on Wednesday, November 29 Wednesday, November 22 In class: Midterm Exam Friday, December 1 In class: 

Categorized as Assignments

Week 8: Closed and Open Form

Monday, November 20 In class Lecture on Closed Form, Sonnet, Sestina, Villanelle, Haiku, and the Oulipo Villanelle “Do not go gentle into that good night“ Dylan Thomas reading the poem.  Haiku Famous haiku by Matsuo Basho Old Pond haiku translations Basho’s Frogger @HaikuD2 The Oulipo “Cent mille milliards de poémes“ N+7 Generator Snowball – “Liminal… Continue reading Week 8: Closed and Open Form

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Week 7: Structure and Form

Monday, November 13 In class Finish discussion of Concrete Poetry and introduce internal and external structure. Discuss assigned poems. Assignment In the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, read entries on Stanza and Structure. Wednesday, November 15 In class Lecture on Stanza and Structure. Assignment In the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, read entries… Continue reading Week 7: Structure and Form

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Week 6: Writing Sound

Monday, November 6 In class Discuss Sound Poetry Assignment In the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, read entries on Prose, Verse, and Enjambment. Wednesday, November 8 In class Lecture on Prose, Verse, Enjambment, etc. Assignment In the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, read entries on Visual Poetry, Concrete Poetry. Friday, November 10 In… Continue reading Week 6: Writing Sound

Week 5: Play

Monday, October 30 In class Catching up “Para que llegue la palabra“ Sound analysis assignment Details. Turn it in in this shared folder no later than noon on Monday, November 6. Assignment Annotate and identify the use of sound devices in “The Windhover” by Gerard Manley Hopkins (Handout). Wednesday, November 1 In class Review of… Continue reading Week 5: Play

Week 4: Articulatory Acrobatics

Monday, September 11 In class: Lecture on the sounds of poetry. Assignment: Read The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, “Alliteration,” “Consonance” and “Alliteration.” In our Facebook Group, share an excerpt from a poem or song that makes use of alliteration, assonance, consonance, and/or onomatopoeia, explaining its contribution to the poem/song. This is due on… Continue reading Week 4: Articulatory Acrobatics

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Week 2: Poetry as a Technology

Monday, August 21 In class: poetry performances Assignment: Read “The Art of Immemorability” by Charles Bernstein Wednesday, August 23 In class: poetry performances Discuss “The Art of Immemorability” by Charles Bernstein Assignment: Read: Jacobson’s concept of the Functions of Language. Read “The Poetic Function of Language” in the Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Friday,… Continue reading Week 2: Poetry as a Technology

Fall 2017 Startup

Welcome to Introduction to Poetry! My goal with this course is to empower you with the critical vocabulary and analytical techniques you need to increase the profit and pleasure you derive from reading poetry. We will read some wonderful poetry and examine and discuss it from a variety of artistic, critical, cultural, and media perspectives.… Continue reading Fall 2017 Startup