A Tool for Practicing Prosody

Take a look at this resource to practice metrical analysis (aka scansion & prosody): http://prosody.lib.virginia.edu/

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Week 10: Sound and Structure

Monday, October 14 Conclude discussion of sound in poetry. Wednesday, October 16 Read Chapter 6: Internal Structure (231-242) Friday, October 18 Read a poem from chapter 6 (242-254) Post an analysis of its internal structure in our Facebook Page. Be prepared to present your analysis in class.

Week 9: The Sounds of Poetry

Monday, October 7 Essay #1 due. Wednesday, October 9 Read Chapter 5 “The Sounds of Poetry” (199-219) Friday, October 11 Read Chapter 5 “Poetry and Music” (219-230)

Categorized as readings

Week 8: Writing Literal and Figurative Language

Monday, September 30 Read “Metaphor and Simile” (165-182) Wednesday, October 2 Read “Symbol” (183-198) Friday, October 4 Bring an electronic or printed draft of your essay.

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Week 7: Essay and Exam

Monday, September 23 Holiday: class doesn’t meet. Wednesday, September 25 Post an analysis of your chosen poem for Essay #1 on Facebook page. Be prepared to discuss it in class. Friday, September 27 Exam #1  

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Essay #1: Analysis of a Poem

Description For this essay, you must select a poem from our textbook that has not been discussed in class. In addition to performing detailed analyses of your chosen poem, this essay assignment will require you to do some research and analysis outside of the poem—specifically on the poet’s life and poetics (influences, style, goals)—to inform… Continue reading Essay #1: Analysis of a Poem

Categorized as Assignments

Week 6: Language Choices

Monday, September 16 Read Chapter 4: Precision and Ambiguity(129-140) Wednesday, September 18 Read poems in Chapter 4 (pgs 140-153) Analyze word choices in one of the assigned poems and post analysis in Facebook page. Friday, September 20 Read Picturing: The Languages of Description (pgs 153-165).  

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Week 5: Time and Place

Monday, September 9 Read Situations (106-113) Wednesday, September 11 Read Times (114-120) Friday, September 13 Read Places (121-127)

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Week 4: Speaker, Situation, Setting

Monday, September 2 Holiday – no class Wednesday, September 4 Read Chapter 2 (68-92) Friday, September 6 Read Chapter 3 (93-105)

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Week 3 Readings: Tone and Speaker

Monday, August 26 Read first section in Tone chapter (pgs 26-36). Wednesday, August 28 Read all the poems on “Many Tones: Poems about Families” (37-53) Present analysis of tone in assigned poem (TBA on Monday). Friday, August 30 Read Chapter on “Speaker” (68-92).

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