Week 9: Videopoetry

Monday, October 12 Holiday Wednesday, October 14 Essay #1 due. Read “The Dreamlife of Letters” by Brian Kim Stefans Read “The Last Day of Betty Nkomo” by Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries Read “Project for Tachistoscope” by William Poundstone Read “Fuck You” by Cee-Lo Green Friday, October 16 Exam #2 review (Exam #2 on Monday, October… Continue reading Week 9: Videopoetry

Categorized as readings

Week 8: Time and Motion

Monday, October 5 Read “First Screening” by bpNichol Read “Strings” by Dan Waber Read “Anipoemas” by Ana María Uribe Read “Paddle” and “Puddle” by Neil Hennessy Wednesday, October 7 Read “GIF Poems” by Kominos Zervos Read “Bembo’s Zoo” by Roberto de Vicq Cumptich Read “A as in Dog” by Dan Waber and Marko Niemi Read… Continue reading Week 8: Time and Motion

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Week 7: Written Poetry

Monday, September 28 Read a poem from 100 Best Loved Poems and analyze its stanza structure, discussing how it shapes the poem. Post on our Facebook Group before class. Slideshow for lecture: Looking at Poems Wednesday, September 30 Read a poem from Please Excuse This Poem and analyze its stanza structure, discussing how it shapes… Continue reading Week 7: Written Poetry

Week 6: Lines, Stanzas, Poetic Form

Monday, September 21 Read “Line” in Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Read “Enjambment” in Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Tuesday, September 22 Read “Stanza” in Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Read “Couplet” in Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Read “Tercet” in Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics Alexander Pope “An Essay… Continue reading Week 6: Lines, Stanzas, Poetic Form

Categorized as Assignments

Week 5: Sound Check

Monday, September 14 Read Paul De Vree’s sound poetry manifesto. Okay, read this version. Explore UbuWeb Sound. Listen to 2-3 poems. Write a 1-paragraph posting on our Facebook Group about your response to one work. Provide a link to the work. Wednesday, September 16 Exam Review Old Exam Friday, September 18 Exam #1

Bonus: Greeting Card Analysis

Here’s a fun little exercise that you can do for extra credit. Go buy (or photograph) a greeting card with a poem in it. Analyze the poem’s meter and rhyme. Write a brief (1-2 paragraphs) analysis and evaluation of the poem’s use of rhythm, rhyme, and other sound patterns. Post it in our Facebook Group,… Continue reading Bonus: Greeting Card Analysis

Categorized as bonus

Week 4: Sounding it out

Monday, September 7 – Labor Day – No class Wednesday, September 9 Song Analysis due: Analyze the use of sound in the lyrics to a song of your choice, including: metrical analysis rhyme, alliteration, consonance, assonance particularly catchy lines Write a 250 word analysis, login to UPR, save analysis in this shared folder. Post your… Continue reading Week 4: Sounding it out

Categorized as Assignments

Week 3: Patterns of sound

Note: read the instructions for Monday, which contain an assignment to be done over the weekend. Monday, August 31 Choose a poem from 100 Best Loved Poems, perform a brief metrical analysis of it (about 250 words), and post it in our Facebook Group before this class. Bring your scanned printed poems to class (if… Continue reading Week 3: Patterns of sound