Bot Summit

Last Saturday, there was a 4-hour long gathering in Boston with networked participants from around the world organized by Darius Kazemi, called the Bot Summit. And we talked about bots. Here’s a link to Kazemi’s documentation of the event, including a recording of the G+ video stream, the IRC chat logs, and deep links to… Continue reading Bot Summit

Electronic Literature Review (ELR) Interview

I was recently interviewed by Daniele Giampà for his blog Electronic Literature Review. The interview format consisted of five substantial questions and he was generous in providing me abundant time to answer them. Here are the questions: Leonardo Flores you are running a project called I ♥ E-Poetry and in the year 2010 you wrote… Continue reading Electronic Literature Review (ELR) Interview

UPRM Front Page & TV Spot

I am honored to be featured in my University’s front page, with an article and television interview on its Foro Colegial show, currently airing on WORA TV (below). Many thanks to Mariam Ludim for the TV interview, Rebecca Carrero for the essay, and the graphic designer Juan Alberto García for the gorgeous original art for… Continue reading UPRM Front Page & TV Spot

Now Recruiting Interns

I am seeking to recruit 2-4 new interns to help me develop several digital humanities research projects. The internships are unpaid, but you can receive credit for it by enrolling in INTD 4995, and gain valuable 21st century skills in the process. I ♥ E-Poetry – short-form scholarship on born-digital poetry and poetics (read more).… Continue reading Now Recruiting Interns

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E-Poetry as Code and Data Remix

The video embedded below is my presentation titled “E-Poetry as Code & Data Remix” for Repurposing in Electronic Literature at the DIG Gallery in Košice, Slovakia on Saturday, November 2, 2013. Visit I ♥ E-Poetry for the resource used in this presentation.