The past few months I’ve been rescuing four works that I created using Tracery and published as Twitter bots using Cheap Bots Done Quick! (CBDQ). As you may know, Twitter’s recent changes have rendered CBDQ inoperable, and thousands of bots have gone silent as a result, a sad bot extinction event. Fortunately for my bots,… Continue reading Rescued and Renewed Works: Taco Hell Menu, Tiny Protests, Jurakán Borinqueño, Protestitas and a Bonus
Category: Creative work
New Creative Works: “Tentative” and “It’s Complicated”
This Spring, I created a series of works that explore Puerto Rico’s relation to the United States. It was catalyzed by the recent Puerto Rico Status Act, which seeks “to resolve Puerto Rico’s political status” with a plebiscite that offers “eligible voters a choice of independence, sovereignty in free association with the United States, or… Continue reading New Creative Works: “Tentative” and “It’s Complicated”
Obra Nueva: Bot de Santos Olvidados
¿Conoces la vida y obra de Santa Marielfaela quien vivió en Deventer en el siglo V después de Cristo? Durante su distinguida vida la madre enseñó a las ciudadanas y mantuvo votos de silencio. Se enclaustró en una ermita. Al día de hoy sus seguidoras visitan su tumba. O tal vez has escuchado de San… Continue reading Obra Nueva: Bot de Santos Olvidados
My recent #criticalmemes
This semester has presented me with opportunities to create several critical memes. From teaching how to create memes that present complex ideas and critiques in my Digital Media Criticism course to a fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico that has led to an indefinite student strike at the University of Puerto Rico, I have had plenty… Continue reading My recent #criticalmemes
Now Recruiting: Bot Makers for HackPR 2015
I’m interested in assembling a team for HackPR 2015 (Sept. 19-20) to create the Hostos Bot 2.0 – a software robot that uses the writings of Eugenio María de Hostos to generate new texts and publish them in social media. Last semester, my Digital Humanities Internship course created Hostos Bot 1.0, a program that draws… Continue reading Now Recruiting: Bot Makers for HackPR 2015
Se levanta un bot puertorriqueño: Hostos Bot
Es con gran placer que anuncio el lanzamiento del primer “bot” puertorriqueño: Hostos Bot. ¿Qué es un bot? Un bot es un programa de computadora (o conjunto de programas) diseñado para ser un agente autónomo en un entorno digital. Los bots son construidos enteramente con programación y texto, distinto a sus contrapartes físicas, los robots.… Continue reading Se levanta un bot puertorriqueño: Hostos Bot