These are my notes for my guest lecture to Dr. Cathy Mazak’s Research Methods class on Wednesday, October 30, 2013. My talk will focus on research methods based on data, including how to find and harvest data from blogs and other Web 2.0 applications and how to study that data through visualizations.
- Context: my research
- Visualization (sidebar)
- Electronic Literature
- Close Reading 2.0
- Code Studies
- Resource: “Born-Digital Literature for a Born-Digital Generation“
- Digital Humanities:
- Preservation of Born-Digital Literature
- Building Resources (see Flores y CIA)
- Blog: I ♥ E-Poetry
- Presentation: Visualizing I ♥ E-Poetry
- Resources:
- Tools:
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)
- Wordle (
- Gephi (
- Gephi Wiki
- Jill Walker Rettberg’s Gephi Tutorial
- Scott Rettberg’s visualizations: Critical Writing Referencing Creative Works
- Markov Chains
- Adam Parrish, “N-Grams and Markov Chains“
- Dr. Nerve’s Markov page
- Data Sources:
- ELMCIP Knowledge Base (
- Digital Public Library of America
- Google Ngram viewer
- Twitter API
- What are your data sources?
- Tools: