[Keynote] Elit Origin Stories: Awakening to the Potential of Digital Writing

Flyer for Virtual Conference

On January 16, I was honored to give the opening keynote address titled “Elit Origin Stories: Awakening to the Potential of Digital Writing” at a virtual conference titled E-Literature: Explorations in Literary Creativity, hosted by the Department of English at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in Delhi, India. Here’s the recording of my talk and Q&A.

By Leonardo Flores

Professor Leonardo Flores is Chair of the English Department at Appalachian State University. His research areas are electronic literature, with a focus on e-poetry, digital writing, and the history and strategic growth of the field. He’s known for I ♥ E-Poetry, the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 3, “Third Generation Electronic Literature” and the Antología Lit(e)Lat, Volume 1. He is a member of the MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on AI and Writing. For more information on his current work, visit leonardoflores.net.