Presentation: AI Writing for Newbies

Cyborg Leo waves in a slide titled "AI Writing for Newbies."

This morning I had the pleasure of giving a talk on AI to a group of high school students at Iona Preparatory School, in NYC, courtesy of an invitation from Mr. Heri Albertorio, a former student and graduate student of mine from UPRM.

Here’s a link to the talk, which might be of interest as an general introduction to AI and writing, focused on high school students.

By Leonardo Flores

Professor Leonardo Flores is Chair of the English Department at Appalachian State University. His research areas are electronic literature, with a focus on e-poetry, digital writing, and the history and strategic growth of the field. He’s known for I ♥ E-Poetry, the Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 3, “Third Generation Electronic Literature” and the Antología Lit(e)Lat, Volume 1. He is a member of the MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on AI and Writing. For more information on his current work, visit