On Friday, November 21, 2011 I submitted a proposal to the Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades to digitize a rare book and document collection put together by José Limón de Arce (1877-1940), a poet, playwright, and historian from Arecibo. His collection is a treasure of rare historical documents and literary publications by small regional presses in Puerto Rico from the late 19th and early 20th century, described in more detail in the following excerpt from the proposal.
Bajo estos parámetros, hemos identificado 420 documentos con aproximadamente 50,000 páginas (de las aproximadamente 75,232 páginas de la colección). La distribución temática de los documentos es la siguiente: 211 son documentos históricos, 129 son de poesía, 63 son de interés cultural y 17 son obras teatrales y novelas.
The result of the digitization project will be a website to access an online database of these valuable materials and a DVD-ROM with a selection of the most important historical and literary materials from the collection to be distributed to 800 schools and cultural institutions.
This is a collaborative project with Dr. Ramonita Vega, a history professor in the Social Sciences Department and Prof. María Aquino, head librarian in the Puerto Rican Collection of the UPRM General Library.