Creative Work


Throughout my academic career, I have explored digital media creatively as well as critically. Here’s a selection of my creative work.

  • Bots:
    • Blakey Boy Bot (@BlakeyBoyBot) simulates an inquisitive, imaginative, 8-10 year old boy. Created in collaboration with my children Blake and Olivia.
    • Huracán en Puerto Rico (@Huracan_PR) generates hypothetical scenarios before, during, and after the passage of a hurricane in Puerto Rico.
    • Tiny Protests (@TinyProtests) generates protests in solidarity with issues in the US that I am politically aligned with as a leftist, liberal, Puerto Rican humanist, and ally of those who are oppressed by right wing economic and social policies. It is informed by real protests.
    • Protestitas (@Protestitas) generates protests in solidarity with issues that affect Puerto Rico. It was forked from Tiny Protests. (artist statement)
    • Junta Control Fiscal (@JuntaControlPR) protests the imposition of a Fiscal Control Board on Puerto Rico by automatically tweeting excerpts from their official communications and austerity measures. (artist statement)
    • Los Cobrones (@LosCobrones) is a nasty personification of the vulture hedge funds that own a large part of Puerto Rico’s debt.
    • Leia Organa (@leia_quotes) celebrates Carrie Fisher’s iconic role in the Star Wars movies by tweeting lines spoken by her character, Leia.
    • Hostos Bot (Hostos Bot, @HostosBot) uses a Markov chain generator and the text of 16 of Eugenio María de Hostos’ books to generate new texts, capturing his style and voice. (artist statement)
  • E-Poetry
    • “Tiny Protests / Protestitas” (forthcoming on Taper #2) generates an endless protest march on your computer screen, alternating chants from protests in the United States and Puerto Rico.
    • TransmoGrify (SpringGun Press) is a Taroko Gorge remix that concluded a reading of Taroko Gorge remixes in I ❤️ E-Poetry. It is a combination of creative and critical writing. (artist statement)